

Grids allow you to layout your content on your website in a structured manner,
thus allowing flexibility in visual representation across a wide range of sizes
PowertrainUI provides its users with 2-column and 3-columnm grids, which are fully responsive.
These can be either max width or take up a specific size on any device screens
To start using grids in your project, make sure to use the grid-container class in the parent grid element.

2-column Grid

Create your 2 column grid with ease, while maintaing a visually appealing layout of your content always.
You can achieve this using the grid-2 class.

Column 1
Column 2

3-column Grid

Create your 3 column grid with ease, while maintaing a visually appealing layout of your content always.
You can achieve this using the grid-3 class.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

Non-traditional grid layouts

With PowertrainUI you are given a variety of choices on how to visually style your grid layouts.
The first example demonstrates different grid spans useful to maintain grid responsiveness, using the grid-span-1 , grid-span-2 & grid-span-3 classes respectively.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

The second and third example demonstrate the fixed sizing of grid columns that can be provided. We allow for an 80-20, 70-30, 60-40 split for 2-column grids using grid-80-20 , grid-70-30 & grid-60-40 classes respectively.

Column 1
Column 2

Column 1
Column 2

Column 1
Column 2