

Buttons are essential to the working of any website.
They allow users to perform multiple actions on a website,
from triggering actions to accessing different parts of a website.

Button Sizes

There are 4 button sizes provided: btn-sm , btn-md , btn-lg & btn-xl .

Button Varities

There are 4 types of buttons provided by Powertrain,
each can be used based on various uses on the website.
Types of buttons available: btn-def , outline , ghost & link .

Button Usecases

Powertrain empowers you to bring life into the buttons used on your website.
There are different applications of our buttons, some of them are shown below.
Usecases: Default , Primary , Disabled , Secondary , Success & Error

Button with Icons

Button with icons empowers your user by visually showing the purpose of the button.
Icons are imported and used from FontAwesome .

Floating Action Button

Floating action buttons are used to represent the primary action of a website.
Some usecases are: scroll to the top/bottom of website, quick access to menu properties etc.
Use the btn-fab class on your button.