

Powertrain provides you with various text utlities for your content.
You can use them to style your text, and also position them based on requirement.


All HTML headings, from h1 to h6 .

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


There are 3 different paragraph text sizes, in addition to the default size provided by your browser.
Classes for the different sizes are: txt-lg , txt-md & txt-sm .

This is a large size paragraph

This is a medium size paragraph

This is a default size paragraph

This is a small size paragraph


Text can be aligned to 3 different positions inside it's parent container.
Classes for the different alignments are: txt-left , txt-center & txt-right .

left aligned text

center aligned text

right aligned text

Additonal Text Styles

Based on content on your website, you can utilize certain text styles defined in Powertrain.
Text can be styled using these classes: txt-primary , txt-grey , txt-strike & txt-underline .

This is primary text

This is secondary/grey text

This is text underline

This is text strikethrough